The Power of Positivity
Signature Course

The Power of Positivity

25 Minutes Level: Intermediate

We have to rely on and work with others in order to achieve results. The problem is that many work environments are not conducive to positive relationships. Instead, they employ the GOTcha approach. If someone does something wrong, then they think it is their job to point it out and say, “GOTcha!” While focused on the mistake, they are inadvertently reinforcing the negative behavior. This program focuses on the Power of Positivity (POP) Approach and can have a dramatic positive impact on your relationships with others.

Target Audience: Managers / Supervisors
Language: English



  • Audio Narration
  • Interactive Exercises
  • Inline Quizzes
  • Video
  • Post-Assessment

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the impact that positive relationships and the POP Approach can have on your organization.
  • Identify ways to build trust with others in the organization.
  • Identify and implement the five steps of redirection.
  • Identify and implement the four steps of the POP Approach.


We have to rely on and work with others in order to achieve results. The problem is that many work environments are not conducive to positive relationships. Instead, they employ the GOTcha approach. If someone does something wrong, then they think it is their job to point it out and say, “GOTcha!” While focused on the mistake, they are inadvertently reinforcing the negative behavior. This program focuses on the Power of Positivity (POP) Approach and can have a dramatic positive impact on your relationships with others.

Based on behavior-changing strategies developed by leading behavioral strategists, this program offers a compelling message and memorable workshop tasks that will have an immediate and positive impact on your workplace. It will help your employees learn how to build trust, accentuate the positive, and when a mistake occurs, redirect the energy for a more productive outcome. It provides a clear, easy-to- use approach that will help employees discover the power of positive relationships and enable them to make more effective choices in their interactions with coworkers.

Industry Settings

  • Healthcare
  • Industrial & Manufacturing
  • Office & General
  • Retail

Compatibility Notes

  • Supports iPhone & iPad App: TrainingFlow™ App on iOS devices
  • Supports Android App: TrainingFlow™ app on Android devices
  • Supports Current Browsers: Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Edge 16+

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