TrainingBriefs® Couches and Slouches
TrainingBriefs® Course

TrainingBriefs® Couches and Slouches

5 Minutes Level: Foundational

Sometimes, communication isn’t just about what’s said. It’s often non-verbal communication that speaks volumes about who we are and the quality of work we put in. While workplaces have become more flexible, sometimes that flexibility creates too much comfort.

Target Audience: General
Language: English



  • Audio Narration
  • Interactive Exercises
  • Video
  • Post-Assessment

Learning Objectives

  • Learn that non-verbal communication speaks volumes about who we are and the quality of work we put in.
  • Understand that despite the workplace flexibility, we need to show professionalism and productivity.


Sometimes, communication isn’t just about what’s said. It’s often non-verbal communication that speaks volumes about who we are and the quality of work we put in. While workplaces have become more flexible, sometimes that flexibility creates too much comfort.

Non-verbal cues like posture and phone usage during meetings, can negatively impact colleagues' perceptions of engagement and respect.

Leadership should proactively address and set expectations for professional behavior to maintain a constructive team atmosphere.

Open communication about meeting etiquette can help balance the evolving norms of workplace flexibility with the need for professionalism and productivity.

Industry Settings

  • Healthcare
  • Industrial & Manufacturing
  • Office & General
  • Retail

Compatibility Notes

  • Supports iPhone & iPad App: TrainingFlow™ App on iOS devices
  • Supports Android App: TrainingFlow™ app on Android devices
  • Supports Current Browsers: Chrome 60+, Firefox 60+, Safari 12+, Edge 16+

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